You have questions? We have answers.
We cover a number of FAQs below however if you have any alternate questions about the e-book, please reach out to hello@guidetobettergardens.com.au.
How do you receive the digital download?
Once you have gone through the checkout and paid for your order you will be able to download directly from the checkout page.
How many times can I download the file?
You can only download the file once. Please make sure you save it to a folder you can find easily. If you're not sure where your file has saved to, please search GUIDE TO BETTER GARDENS and you should find your copy of the e-book.
How many plants are included within your index?
I list 43 native species in the East Coast edition and 37 native species in the Victorian edition. All tried-and-tested plants that I have used within my projects. These species are broken down into groundcovers, shrubs & grasses, shade, trees and accent trees. I give you tips on how big they will get and where to plant them.
Will I be able to find all species at a nursery near me?
You might need to check around a few suppliers near you, however you should be able to find most species at your local nursery.
How will I know what size plants to purchase?
I give you tips on what sizes I use within my projects, some things are best purchased as tube stock or small pots and other things are purchased at a larger scale, this all depends on the budget of your project.
How will I know how many of each plant species to purchase?
Simply look at how big your space is and use our size guide in the native plant index to work out how many plants you will need to purchase.
How will I know how to set out the plants around my property?
Assess your property to understand the orientation of the sun then use the plant guide to pick the right plants for the space.
Do you include a list of plants you have used across all of your projects?
Not all of my projects, the list includes plants that will work from the South Coast of NSW up to the Sunshine Coast in QLD. The plants are all native coastal species.
How do I know I’m looking after each plant properly?
If plants are watered in well for the first 6-8 weeks after planting then there isn't much else to do. Pruning and shaping can be carried out and you can contact a local gardener or horticulturalist to help you out.
What if plants that I use die?
Sometimes plants just die. If you have prepared the soil correctly, and placed the right plants in the right place then you shouldn't have much trouble. You can adopt a 'mixed planting' style when designing your garden which is easiest to replace anything that dies.
Will this ebook enable me to construct my own hardscapes?
Most likely not. Landscapers are highly skilled tradesmen who follow strict building codes. Unless you're a builder or landscaper, I would leave the hardscapes such as retaining walls, paving, decking etc to a licensed professional.
Will I need to engage a contractor?
This depends on your project. If you require a lot of excavation, drainage, hardscapes or your property is quite large and complex then engaging a contractor is recommended. You can use this ebook as a guide to plan out your space, know what you want and then engage someone locally who can help you implement your dream garden. If you are planning on adding a few plants then you can easily use this book as a guide and carry out the planting and soil preparation yourself.
Does this ebook include any information on building a pool? Or landscaping around a pool?
Pool builders are licensed through the department of fair trading and follow strict building codes. Any pool construction needs council approval. You can use this ebook as a guide to select planting that you would like to add around your pool area.
Can I use this ebook if my property is on acreage or has very steep access?
Yes, however the bigger the project the more likely you will need to engage a contractor.
Does the ebook include information on retaining walls?
This book offers a visual guide on what retaining walls you may want to add to your property however any retaining walls over 600mm high need council approval and engineering. It's best to leave the construction to a licensed builder or landscaper.
What if I can’t find materials or plants from one of your suppliers?
Our supplier list is included in the East Coast edition only. Not every supplier is going to stock the same materials and some plants might not be available at all times of the year at all nurseries. This ebook is designed as a guide only. You may need to substitute some plants and materials for your local area.
After we’ve purchased this ebook, are you able to help us design and build our dream garden?
Fig Landscapes is currently only designing and building gardens in the Byron Shire. If your project is within this area then we are happy to help design and build your dream garden, you can reach out to design@figlandscapes.com.au
Do you recommend other landscapers that we can engage for our project?
Not specifically. Although I know a lot of landscapers up and down the East Coast it's up to you to do your due diligence and research companies that might be a good fit for you. Find a local landscaper who comes recommended, has a nice portfolio and is easy to deal with. Of course make sure they're licensed and insured. Instagram is a great place to start.
Can we email you directly with any questions on our project?
I'd love to hear from you. Please send any questions of feedback to hello@guidetobettergardens.com.au and someone will get back to you within 2 weeks time - I know this seems like a long time to wait however our employees are all busy on site creating dream gardens!

Fig Landscapes

Fig Landscapes